Sunday, May 10, 2009



In white rice production, after removed husk, the rice is milled to remove bran and embryo. In milling process, complex machinery rubs the rice together under pressure. All rice is brown rice before it is processed into white rice. This process strips out most of the nutrients and almost all of the fiber.

Hinduism today: “In order to compensate, 90 percent of American companies enrich white rice with powdered nutrients, in an attempt to replace some of what they took out. But, if the rice is rinsed before cooking, then the enrichment powder is lost.”

Many other nutrients are also removed in this process, the importance of which scientists are just beginning to understand.

Brown Rice 1-1: No Sick Show Hand

Brown Rice 1-2: No Sick Show Hand

Brown Rice 1-3: No Sick Show Hand

Brown Rice 1-4: No Sick Show Hand

Brown Rice 1-5: No Sick Show Hand

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