Sunday, May 10, 2009


Antioxidant level of black rice bran

Thai non-glutinous black purple rice, Rice Berry, is a non-GMO excellence source of antioxidant includes quinolone alkaloid, vitamin E, phytate, g-oryzonol, polyphenol and anthocyanin. Rice Berry there are polyphenolic content 752.1 mg/100g, anthocyanin 250.36 mg/100g and beta carotene 63.3 ug/100g in pericarp, These compound are high anitioxidant property compound especially polyphenolic.

From Thai breeder research report, antioxidant property of whole grain Rice Berry is 35.3 to 214.7 umole/g from ORAC method (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). Moreover, Sinin Rice and Rice Berry bran have antioxidant property 229 to 304.7 umole/g. When compared antioxidant property of black rice, green tea and juice, the result said that antioxidant property of black rice higher than juice and green tea 100 times. Rice antioxidant will loss in cooking process (washing and heat) about 50-60 %, However Sinin Rice and Rice Berry still have higher antioxidant property than juice and green tea after cooking process.

Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) measures the antioxidant levels of a substance. A high ORAC score means the substance is high in antioxidants.

Compared these conventional breeding rice with previous report

“Flavonoid-rich GM rice to boost antioxidant levels?: Stephen Daniell s
Rice genetically modified to have high flavonoid content has a 22 per cent higher antioxidant activity than untransformed rice, says a joint German-Indian study. “

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