Monday, May 11, 2009

Rice Grains Iron Density Improvement in Thailand

Rice Grains Iron Density

               Compared to other cereal, iron density in rice grains is considered low.  The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of iron for Thais is approximately 15 mg.  At the 200-250 gm of polished rice consumed daily, it is estimated that the optimum iron density in the whole rice grains should be close to 5 mg/100 g in order to supply one third of the RDA.  

               This number seems to be unreachable as compared to 1.3-1.5 mg/100 gm among popular rice cultivars.  To step up the breeding activities, the extensive survey of iron density among landraces identified potential donors of high iron density.  The majority of these high iron rice lines belong to the black purple rice. The major limitation to using these rice germplasm is high polyphenol and phytic acid contents in the rice bran. Because white color rice is low in polyphenol and phytic acid, attempts were made to hybridize white x purple rice parents to transmit high iron density to normal white rice. 

                “The first successful white rice contains 2.1 mg /100 g as the whole grain.  This advanced line coded as 313-19-1-1 is aromatic with intermediate amylose content. From crosses between upland rice, Kum Doi Chang (KDC) and Hom Pamah, we successfully identified white color rice with 2.8 mg/100 g of grain iron.  The highest iron density lines were identified as progenies from the hybridization between a wild rice, O. nivara and high iron rice Jao Hom Nin (JHN).  One of the highest iron dense rice contained up to 5 mg/100 g.  Our emphasis is now directed to improving iron bioavailability.” Rice Science Center (RSC): Thailand

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Antioxidant level of black rice bran

Thai non-glutinous black purple rice, Rice Berry, is a non-GMO excellence source of antioxidant includes quinolone alkaloid, vitamin E, phytate, g-oryzonol, polyphenol and anthocyanin. Rice Berry there are polyphenolic content 752.1 mg/100g, anthocyanin 250.36 mg/100g and beta carotene 63.3 ug/100g in pericarp, These compound are high anitioxidant property compound especially polyphenolic.

From Thai breeder research report, antioxidant property of whole grain Rice Berry is 35.3 to 214.7 umole/g from ORAC method (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). Moreover, Sinin Rice and Rice Berry bran have antioxidant property 229 to 304.7 umole/g. When compared antioxidant property of black rice, green tea and juice, the result said that antioxidant property of black rice higher than juice and green tea 100 times. Rice antioxidant will loss in cooking process (washing and heat) about 50-60 %, However Sinin Rice and Rice Berry still have higher antioxidant property than juice and green tea after cooking process.

Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) measures the antioxidant levels of a substance. A high ORAC score means the substance is high in antioxidants.

Compared these conventional breeding rice with previous report

“Flavonoid-rich GM rice to boost antioxidant levels?: Stephen Daniell s
Rice genetically modified to have high flavonoid content has a 22 per cent higher antioxidant activity than untransformed rice, says a joint German-Indian study. “



In white rice production, after removed husk, the rice is milled to remove bran and embryo. In milling process, complex machinery rubs the rice together under pressure. All rice is brown rice before it is processed into white rice. This process strips out most of the nutrients and almost all of the fiber.

Hinduism today: “In order to compensate, 90 percent of American companies enrich white rice with powdered nutrients, in an attempt to replace some of what they took out. But, if the rice is rinsed before cooking, then the enrichment powder is lost.”

Many other nutrients are also removed in this process, the importance of which scientists are just beginning to understand.

Brown Rice 1-1: No Sick Show Hand

Brown Rice 1-2: No Sick Show Hand

Brown Rice 1-3: No Sick Show Hand

Brown Rice 1-4: No Sick Show Hand

Brown Rice 1-5: No Sick Show Hand

Si Nin Rice

Onyx color rice or ‘Khao Si Nin’ had been developed from a Thai rice breed. Its special characteristic is a dark purple color to almost black because of pigments called anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin, which are in rice grain. These two pigments are five time stronger antioxidants than vitamin B5. The advantage of anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin can be concluded as:

Health: Anthocyanin prevents cancer cells in lung, nasal, stomach and white blood cells. Proanthocyanidin blocks LDL oxidation that lines blood vessel walls. Both pigments help prevent aging of cells from free radicals and reflect a young appearance.

Skin: Both pigments reduce skin damage from oxidation reaction cause by pollution and sun light. Anthocyanin stops enzyme elastase (this enzyme damages elastin) so the skin maintains a good fitting.

Hair: Both pigments slow down hair root and head skin cells deterioration and activate blood circulation causing stronger thick hair and prevent silver hair appearing before time.

Si Nin rice is not only great food but also creates real beauty and a healthy diet suitable for everybody, no matter what age or sex.